
God of Gambling – Gods of Gambling Worldwide

Nicholas Crouch, Chief Editor at Scams.info

Article by: Nicholas Crouch - Casino Еxpert

Date Published: 21/04/22

Gambling is one of the oldest forms of entertainment and means to resolve disputes in human history. Some religions even cite the game of dice as the ultimate tiebreaker. So, it is no wonder that many religions have their own god of gambling.

Hermes God of Gambling

Discover the Gods of Gambling Across the World

In this piece, you will find the most popular gods of gambling across the world. We looked into different religions that were practised over the centuries. Also, we ensured to include deities from each continent on the globe. At the end of this piece, you can find answers to the most commonly asked questions on the topic, so make sure to check them out.

List of the Gambling Gods

Greek God of Gambling – Hermes

Gambling is a huge part of Ancient Greece and its mythology. According to legends, Cronus’s sons – Zeus, Poseidon and Hades – divided the three realms by playing a game of dice. Zeus rolled highest and chose first, Poseidon was second, and Hades had to decide last since he had the lowest score. Imagine the world if the gods could play at the best online casino sites.

Moreover, the Greek civilisation had a god of gambling – Hermes. He is better known for his other duties. Most notably, Hermes is the messenger of the Olympian gods, which means that he can move between the mortal and divine worlds. He also leads the souls of the dead to the underworld.

🙏 God: Hermes
⛈️ God of: Messenger of the Gods, Conductor of Dead Souls, God of Gambling
👶 Born of: Zeus and Maia
📗 Originated from: Greek Mythology
🎉 Celebrated in: Ancient Greece

Despite his serious responsibilities, Hermes was also a divine trickster. His cunning reputation proceeded him, and many believed he could outsmart even the Olympian gods. Moreover, he used trickery to achieve his mischievous pranks. Still, ancient Greeks prayed to him for good luck because they believed Hermes invented the dice.

Hopefully, the Greek god of gambling will bring you good fortune if you turn to him the next time you play your favourite casino games. If all this talk about Ancient Greece inspires you, we suggest you check out some of our favourite titles inspired by this culture: Zeus God of Thunder, Age of the Gods: King of Olympus, or Age of the Gods.

Chinese God of Gambling – Nezha

China’s history dates to as early as 1250 BC, making it more than a three-millennium old civilisation. Throughout the centuries, many gods immerged to give hope to everyday folk. There is even a Chinese god of gambling, Nezha, and his story is unique. Gambling is a big part of the country’s culture. Today, Chinese players are some of the biggest gamblers at online casino sites.

The Nezha’s legend goes that the Jade Emperor sent Nezha to his mother’s womb to defeat the demons on Earth. The pregnancy lasted for three and a half years. But instead of giving birth to an infant, a ball of flesh appeared. Thinking that it was a demon, Nezha’s father took his sword and split the ball in two. Then, a walking, talking toddler appeared – Nezha.

🙏 God: Nezha
⛈️ God of: Children and Filial Piety, Gambling
👶 Born of: Jing Li and Lady Yin
📗 Originated from: Chinese Folk Religion
🎉 Celebrated in: China

As a child, Nezha was playing with other children at the beach when he accidentally killed the son of Ao Guang – the East Sea Dragon King. Then, the king threatened a great flood. This unfortunate incident brought indescribable shame to Nezha’s family, so he committed suicide.

But that was only the beginning. Taiyi Zhenren, Nezha’s teacher, brought him back to life. After his resurrection, the boy had a fire-tipped spear and two wind fire wheels. Moreover, Nezha is mischievous and is said to reveal the winning lottery numbers. If you are willing to test you luck, we suggest you check out the 88 Fortune – a beloved Chinese-inspired online slot.

Norse God of Gambling – Gefion

For centuries, the Scandinavian people worshipped the Norse gods who resided in Asgard – the dwelling place of the gods. In recent years, Norse mythology has become more and more popular across the globe. So, most of us have probably heard about Odin, Loki and Thor, but few recall the Norse god of Gambling – Gefion.

She is considered to be the goddess of gambling and is also associated with ploughing, fertility, and good luck. Sadly, we do not know much about her because there are not many documents that cite Gefion. Some suggest that she was a virgin and that everyone who dies as one becomes her attendant.

🙏 God: Gefion (Also Spelled Gefjon or Gefjun)
⛈️ God of: Gambling and Ploughing
👶 Born of: N/A
📗 Originated from: Norse Mythology
🎉 Celebrated in: Scandinavian Countries (Norway, Sweden, and Denmark)

Remember that Gefion is generous to people seeking luck, but she is also someone you do not want to cross. The Poetic Edda is one of the few pieces that features the goddess of gambling. It told a story of how Loki played a trick on her as a youngster and suffered the wrath of Gefion – she who sees all fortunes, even those of Odin.

Considering her gifts and nature, it is understandable why Nordic people prayed to Gefion for good luck and fortune. We looked for a casino game that features this divine deity, but we could not find one. So, we suggest you check out the iconic Microgaming slot machines inspired by Norse mythologyThunderstruck and Thunderstruck II.

Aztec God of Gambling – Macuilxochitl

In general, the Aztec community was very close-knit and belligerent to outsiders. Another well-known fact about this mysterious civilisation is that they often performed rituals to appeal to the gods using blood sacrifice. These people prayed to many divine deities, including Macuilxochitl – the Aztec god of gambling. He was one of the five gods that represent excess and indulgence.

The name of each of the gods of excess starts with the number five. Moreover, these are also the names of the five days in the Aztec calendar. Macuilxochitl (lit. trans. ‘five flower’) is also known as Xochipilli, which means ‘flower prince’. Besides gambling, he is also the god of music, dancing, painting, writing, feasts and games.

🙏 God: Macuilxochitl
⛈️ God of: Gambling, Music, Dancing, Painting, Writing, Feasts and Games
👶 Born of: N/A
📗 Originated from: Aztec Religion
🎉 Celebrated in: Aztec Civilisation

Macuilxochitl can be a generous god, but he is also the one drawing the line between excess and pleasure. According to legends, people who overindulge or engage inappropriately could end up with an STD or even haemorrhoids. Hence, the Aztec people often prayed and occasionally offered sacrifices to Macuilxochitl. If you feel inspired to dive deep into the jungle, we suggest you check out the Aztec Idols slot machine and test your luck.

Hindu God of Gambling – Lakshmi

The Hindu religion is more than four thousand years old, even older than the Chinese one. This polytheism religion has both female and male deities. The Hindu god of gambling is Lakshimi, the eternal consort of Vishnu, the most important Hindu god. It is believed that she is also the source of his strength.

Lakshmi is also the god of wealth and prosperity. According to legends, she cares deeply about kindness, but her temper can change swiftly. One legend says that Indra, the god of war, and Lakshmi were fighting the demons on Earth. But over time, he became too arrogant, so Lakshmi decided to teach him a lesson and hid at the bottom of the sea for a millennium.

🙏 God: Lakshmi
⛈️ God of: Gambling, Wealth, and Prosperity
👶 Born of: N/A
📗 Originated from: Hindu Religion
🎉 Celebrated in: India

Indra fought tirelessly against the demons, but he was losing the battle. The god of war begged Lakshmi to return with good fortune, and she told him that he needed to make amends for her to return. It took more than a thousand years, but Lakshmi finally emerged from the depths of the sea and helped defeat the demons.

This cautionary tale outlines that it is best to be on Lakshmi’s good side and receive her gifts rather than suffer her wrath if you are deemed unworthy. If you are ready to prove your worth to the god of gambling, we suggest you play the Golden Goddess in moderation without being greedy.

Egyptian God of Gambling – Thoth

At its peak, the Egyptian empire was one to be wary of, yet it was full of mystery. Archaeologists have spent decades trying to decipher the language, but its complexity leaves room for interpretation. Hence, there is a number of arguments in the scientific community regarding the Egyptian culture.

Though, one thing is certain – Egyptian gods had many roles. So, the Egyptian god of gambling, Thoth, was also the god of wisdom, writing, hieroglyphs, magic, science, art, judgement and the dead. He is associated with gambling because ancient Egyptians believed that the gods resolved arguments with a game of dice. Also, Thoth was the arbitrator of godly disputes.

🙏 God: Thoth
⛈️ God of: Gambling, Wisdom, Writing, Hieroglyphs, Magic, Science, Art, Judgement and the Dead
👶 Born of: Himself
📗 Originated from: Egyptian Religion
🎉 Celebrated in: Ancient Egypt

There are a lot of similarities between Hermes and Thoth. However, unlike Hermes, a known trickster, Thoth is devoted to helping others. One legend says that Thoth played a game of dice with the Moon and won 5 additional days. The Egyptian god did this to help Nut, the sky goddess, have children.

If you are ready to reach to Thoth for help, we suggest you check out these top-rated Egyptian-themed slotsBook of Gods and Valley of the Gods. Hopefully, the god of gambling will answer your prayers and reward you with good luck and fortune.

Roman God of Gambling – Fortuna

The ancient Romans took inspiration from the ancient Greeks in a variety of things, including religion. Historians have noted some similarities, including between divine deities. For example, Jupiter is the Roman counterpart of Zeus. Jupiter’s firstborn is Fortuna, who was widely celebrated across the empire. She is often regarded as the Roman god of gambling, farming, fertility, chance, luck and fate.

At first, Fortuna was the goddess of farming, and her roles were associated with the prosperity and fertility of the harvest. This also extended to childbearing; it is said that Fortuna could influence a woman’s ability to bear a child. Later on, she became associated with luck, chance, and fate.

🙏 God: Fortuna
⛈️ God of: Gambling, Farming, Fertility, Chance, Luck and Fate
👶 Born of: Jupiter (father)
📗 Originated from: Roman Religion
🎉 Celebrated in: Roman Empire

The ancient Romans perceived Fortuna as neither bad nor good because fate could twist in different directions. It is believed that the goddess could bring you great fortune and just as easy to take it away. She was often described as blind or blindfolded; some even regarded her as a divine deity that could see into the future.

Fortuna’s qualities and divine roles make her the perfect choice for the goddess of gambling. The Romans took interest in gambling and often prayed to Fortuna to sway the scales in their favour. If you are ready to take your chances and transport to ancient Rome, we suggest you play Spartacus Gladiator of Rome and Rome Rise of an Empire.

Japanese God of Gambling – Kangiten

Japan is another country with a very rich history, and as such, it has its own religion and rituals. Japanese religion also consists of multiple deities that have different roles and duties. Kangiten is considered to be the gambling god. He is a celestial being that wields great power.

🙏 God: Kangiten
⛈️ God of: Obstacles, Bliss, and Success
👶 Born of: Maheshvara (father) and Uma (mother)
📗 Originated from: Japanese Buddhism
🎉 Celebrated in: Japan

Above all else, Kangiten is a protector. Like actors, geishas, and gamblers, many risk-taking people worship him, hoping that this will favour their odds. You might even say that this god is in the business of pleasure. Just like any other god of gambling, Kangiten has a temper and is prone to outbursts. We recommend you play this Japanese-inspired slot Lucky Little Gods if you are feeling that Kangiten will be on your side.

Native American Gods of Gambling – Nohoilpi

The term “Native American people” is often used to describe the indigenous people of North America. It is important to note that many tribes, each with its own rituals and beliefs, fall under the umbrella. The Navajo tribe is one of the largest ones today, and it has its own gambling god – Nohoilpi.

While the rest of the divine deities have multiple roles as celestials, Nohoilpi’s sole purpose was to play games of chance. He was even known as the Great Gambler among the Navajo people. The myth about Nohoilpi says that he was very good at gambling and that he always won.

🙏 God: Nohoilpi
⛈️ God of: Gambling
👶 Born of: N/A
📗 Originated from: Navajo Religion
🎉 Celebrated in: Navajo Tribes

And unlike other gods, Nohoilpi was mischievous. The legend goes people who lose against him would be in debt to the deity. Some had to repay Nohoilpi with their homes and wives or become enslaved people. The Great Gambler would use the enslaved people to build him a city. But the other gods decided to interfere when they saw the abuse of power.

To teach Nohoilpi a lesson, the Navajo gods gave an ordinary man special powers that would allow him to beat the gambling god. The common person won the match against the Great Gambler, and the gods stripped the deity of his possessions and sent him into the havens. Finally, the enslaved people were freed and returned to their homes.

Slavic God of Gambling – Dazhbog

The Slavic tribes were some of the first to convert to Christianity. But before that, the people believed in many deities. There is considerably little research on the Slavic gods, and few things are known. However, one thing is certain – Slavic people believed in many gods, even more than the Greeks or the Romans.

And, yes, this means that they had a god of gambling. Some tribes called him Dazhbog (lit. trans. giver of wealth), while others worshipped him as Stritbog (lit. trans. spreader of wealth). He was the god of wealth and giving, prosperity, and light. As such is considered to be one of the most powerful deities.

🙏 God: Dazhbog (also known as Stritbog)
⛈️ God of: Wealth and Giving, Prosperity, Light
👶 Born of: Sun (mother) and the Moon (father)
📗 Originated from: Slavic Religion
🎉 Celebrated in: Slavic Tribes

Generally speaking, the Slavic tribes were not into gambling, but they prayed to Dazhbog for good fortune in life. That may be because they did not have a chance to play at the top slot sites. Anyhow, some believe that this is the origin of his name – giver of wealth (when referred to as Dazhbog) or spreader of wealth (when referred to as Stritbog). However, this is to be confirmed by historians and archaeologists.


As you can see from our piece on the gods of gambling, there were quite a few divine figures across the centuries that could bring good fortune. From ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt to the far east to China and Japan, people enjoy a game of chance. We hope that this article addressed all your concerns on the topic. Meanwhile, you can enjoy the excellent LeoVegas security and enjoy top gambling games online even on the go as this operator has excellent mobile performance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Continue reading if you are curious to learn more about the gods of gambling. In this section, we will address the most commonly asked questions by players on the topic. Hopefully, you will discover all the answers you seek down below or head over to our online gambling hub for more info.

1️⃣ What are the gods of gambling?

There are many religions worldwide, and some of them have a god of gambling. So, we decided to prepare our own gods of gambling list. We have looked into religions from all over the world to create our divine ranking, which includes the following deities: Hermes, Nezha, Gefion, Macuilxochitl, Lakshmi, Thoth, Fortuna, Kangiten, Nohoilpi, and Dazhbog.

2️⃣ Who was the Greek god of gambling?

The Greek god of gambling is Hermes, son of Zeus and Maia. This deity has many roles and is better known as the messenger of the gods and conductor of dead souls. However, ancient Greeks believed Hermes invented the dice, and so prayed to him before a game of chance.

3️⃣ Who is the god of gambling in Hindu mythology?

Widely celebrated to this day, Lakshmi is the god of gambling in Hindu mythology. She is the goddess of wealth and prosperity and is said to cherish kindness. It is said that Lakshmi would grant good fortune to those who sincerely pray to her, not in greed.

4️⃣ Who is the Chinese god of gambling?

The Chinese god of gambling is Nezha. He is also known for his mischievous nature and is believed to be the only Chinese god that could reveal the lottery number to gamblers. Hence, many players turn to him when playing a game of chance.

5️⃣ Who is the Norse god of gambling?

The Norse god of gambling is Gefion. She is also associated with ploughing and fertility. We know little of the goddess of gambling. In the Poetic Edda, it is written that Gefion can see all fortunes, including those of Odin. So, it's only natural that she is worshipped as the gambling goddess by Nordic people.